Monday: Scattered Thoughts about men...and Jezebelian behaviour // 2003-07-14 // 8:09 a.m.


It's Monday son survived the did I, for that matter. Mostly in part to the fact that I lacked the courage to actually follow through with "the talk"... we were getting along okay...even had sex on Saturday morning. Just once...after that, he was too tired, his head hurt and I just didn't pursue.

So, anyhow, at this time tomorrow, I will be in bed...with someone else... and I will have had intimate knowledge of his body and he of mine. And that is both terrifying and exciting and a few other things.

It concerns lack of remorse over what I am about to do...I am not totally sure why I don't feel remorse... oh, sure... I have theories... and I'm sure most of my friends do as well. But I'm not inclined to examine or analyze any theories. I'm sort of in "full speed ahead, damn the torpedoes" sort of mode.

I had lovely phone sex w/Jeff on Sunday morning...after having gone for so long. I have missed it was fun playing with him while I was at work. He's got a wicked imagination... and we managed to share a non-Catholic based fantasy...probably based on the fact that it was, out of respect, we did something else.

Afterwards, I chatted briefly w/Don in IM...we're both excited (an understatement there) about today.

And, last night, I also got to IM w/Drew for a few minutes. I have missed him as well...for different reasons...good, non-judgemental friends are hard to find sometimes...

So, that's scattered thoughts for a Monday morning.

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