Monday: Affairs and phone calls... // 2003-08-04 // 8:12 a.m.


It's Monday, once again.

On Friday afternoon, Don and I sort of agreed that we are having "an affair" of sorts. We still haven't established if there is any sort of romantic involvement, but I think there is some sort of expectation of exclusivity. I will have to see if we'll have time enough to discuss that when we're together. It's not really something that can be hashed out in email or over the phone. I'll be frank, he's not the person I thought I'd be having my first affair with...but, there is something of a promise of depth to him...and, of course, there is his impressive package...and his stamina to consider.

Oh, on Friday afternoon I also met a woman my husband had been talking about...a single mom of one of our son's classmates. We had lunch together and she came over to our table to say "hi" and meet me. She looks like Mandy Moore. Husband continues to deny that he has any ulterior motive. She seemed a little nervous. Makes me wonder if something has already occurred between the two of them. Oh, whatever.

Meanwhile, I have started with PM. We discussed our "desires" on Sunday afternoon, while hubby was out bookshopping. It seems that what I propose to do and what he hopes to get out of the relationship are not too far off base from each other. It's rather exciting and heady...and I can hardly wait for things to progress. Although, they already sort of have. He called and left me 3 messages...and, afterwards, those messages turned me on so much that I ended up calling Jeff out of the blue...he answered and that surprised me. So I told him to hang up and not answer the phone again. He did and I called again...and left a message within the time limit. It was insane!

Okay, off to work now...

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