Thursday's short entry // 2003-08-28 // 8:12 a.m.


It's Thursday...and my thoughts are scattered.

I've been chatting w/Ozzie a lot in IM recently. He's only got 26 more days to go before he gets sent back. We've been chatting about life and the probabilities of meeting and whatnot. I am excited, but not overly so... it's like my heart is afraid to get hurt again, so there's this large brick wall separating (protecting?) the majority of my heart from the rest of my emotions. It's somewhat hard to explain. I can almost feel the barrier...sometimes it's a wall...other times it's a large yawning abyss that prevents any sort of co-mingling. It leaves me feeling somewhat ambivalent, yet slightly curious. But I know that there's something missing...or something I'm denying myself access to... if only to shield myself from the thought of future pain.

Meanwhile, have started chatting with Don again in email. I don't know what that will lead to at this point.

Off to work now...

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