Wed., 030625: Evening phone calls // 2003-06-25 // 8:11 a.m.


It's early still, have been trying to run the Yahoo web messenger beta (a/k/a "Yahoo lite") which I discovered would work yesterday on my computer w/out leaving a longassed cookie trail... or something like that... anyhow, it's not working this morning, or, at least, I wasn't able to get it going...which is a bummer.

So, yesterday early evening, I called Zaph and infected him with my special brand of zany humor, as I had not talked with him for almost a week, or something like that. We had a good conversation about everything from his "dark" lawn which his neighbors don't seem to like to the conversations music majors can have about the tonal qualities of a child's electronic keyboard.

Afterwards, I found out that I could run the beta "Yahoo lite" and was chatting w/Zaph and Neil (who should have been sleeping, but wasn't) and Drew showed up, so I chatted w/him online and continued talking with him offline. I feel that I put him on the spot, when I asked him what he thought of my journal. Still, he gave a rather decent and insightful answer which I feel was rather on par with my own secret and unacknowledged theories about myself.

Not going to expound on those for the simple fact that I need to go to work.

Oh, and Chuck left me an offline message saying "hi"...I was feeling kind so I said "hi" back...didn't explain to him about how I don't do messenger during work anymore, so we'll see what happens there...probably nothing.

And, I'm still feeling rather a tad anxious about the weekend trip, but I'll survive.

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