Thurs., 030703: Tarot cards // 2003-07-03 // 1:52 p.m.


Haven't heard from David. Don't know if I will anymore. I think I've made more than enough overtures...and I've noticed how much that I'm going to stop trying. If he wants to talk, he knows where to find me...otherwise, I'm sure he'll find closer and more pliable and more accessible individuals for whatever. The ego is mightily bruised after this one...but it will survive.

Tarot cards are funny things...they sort of tell you exactly what you want to hear...or so it's been my experience, thus far...

But, I digress...well, maybe not really...last night, I was going through stuff and trying to determine what was going to be donated to AmVets and what was going to be kept and what was just garbage. I'm a bad packrat and I have acquired too much "stuff"... and, now, I am trying to whittle down the "stuff" so that I can further loosen the bonds that hold me down. Anyhow, I came across a tarot deck I had bought because I like the artist, Mary Hanson Roberts. So, I read my cards (with the help of the handy dandy guide, of course) on whether or not I was getting a divorce (yes) and whether or not I would meet (reading between the lines, yes, it really means "have sex with") this new guy from Miami (also "yes"... a rather enthusiastic one at that... from the cards, that is). It was rather spooky...but fun...

Then, today, I was looking forward to ps w/Jeff this morning, which didn't happen... but that's okay, as I got to call his cell phone and leave a message...of me...

Afterwards, I answered the phone call I knew was coming from Tom...he was going to leave me another message...similar to the one I left for Jeff...but I decided to answer it and I had fun with him instead.

Meanwhile, I've been talking with Don from Miami...who really wants to meet me...he seems to think he can scratch my "itch". He doesn't know about this journal yet. Still, he complimented me by saying that I was on the aggressive a met him online on Monday, when I was still trying to get over the disappointment of the weekend...and I was rather aggressive with him. Still, he didn't back down, which is promising. We'll see what happens as he cannot meet me until 12 days or so from now.

Life at home is very...quiet...except for yesterday, when I think that the hubby was cranky about our lack of a/c in the he sort of went off on me...threatening to "smack" me for not listening to was sort of surreal...especially since our son was in the car. I remained calm and tried not to antagonize him...although I wanted to...just because I'm contrary that way...but it would not have been a good scene and my common sense finally kicked in. But, today, it's like that never happened...he called me and has made plans for us to go to the movies to see SINBAD and have dinner afterwards. I almost broached the divorce topic with him...almost... he came to bed last night and lay there sighing...I asked him what was wrong and he said "nothing"...don't you love how well we communicate?

Okay, so that's it. Hmmm...haven't heard from Oz either...he should be going on leave soon...I might've missed the window as far as sending him condoms. Oh well...

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