Thurs: Last David rant...I promise // 2003-07-17 // 1:20 p.m.


I was totally planning on writing about my time with Don... since I said I would but there's something else that I am rather set upon ranting on first...

The most annoying thing to come out of my trip to Orlando is the fact that I don't have closure with David. I got no sort of response after I came back. He didn't apologize, he didn't say "sorry, I decided that you weren't worth my time and so I just decided to blow you off and not tell you I wasn't going to be around" or even, "leave me the hell alone"...and, like an idiot, last night, I saw him online and sent him an IM to ask if he was ever going to speak to me again. No response. And, that pretty much capped it for me...I give up...again... but, I think for real this time.

And, I've finally learned my lessons...which are to not give into manipulation and not to kid myself into thinking that I can fall in love with anyone. Really sucks to acknowledge that reality. I kept harboring secret hopes that maybe there was some good reason...but there isn't...I was manipulated into a meeting that I don't think was ever meant to take place...whether or not it's reverse serendipity or if he intentionally meant to do this to hurt me...well, I don't think I'll ever get to know...since I don't seem to rate any response. But, such is life...and I am not masochistic enough to allow this to bog me down indefinitely.

So, that's my rant...about what's-his-name...the last person I will ever willingly be honest with about my true feelings out of some deluded sense of "love"...I allowed myself to be hurt because I thought I could trust him. Silly me. Gotta love those life lessons...

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