Monday: a list of the highlights from the weekend // 2003-07-21 // 5:09 p.m.


Items of interest and importance that have occurred in the past 96 hours or so:

1. Went to see 28 DAYS LATER. Good movie...scary, but good;

2. Went to dinner at usual restaurant afterwards. Hubby went to get cash, left me at the bar w/one of the ass't managers. She and I had talked previously about our guy troubles...she looked like she wanted to tell me something. So, I asked her flat out if there was something she wanted to tell me. That's when she said that once while I was out of town and hubby came into restaurant w/son, she saw him take the number of his server. She claims to not remember which server it was...I doubt that she forgot. Anyhow, I spent the entire meal wondering if that server was here...and watching hubby to see if he tracked any one of the servers more closely than he should... didn't identify her though...haven't confronted him about it yet either...but I did turn him down his request for sex;

3. Saturday morning my sisters called to let me know they were taking my father to the ER because he was bleeding through his nose and mouth and my mom was freaking out. Find out later he got a major nosebleed from hypertension and he would be ok;

4. Went to the local science museum w/hubby and son.

5. Bought lots of music cds to console myself for the chaos of Friday night...they've sort of helped.

6. Ran into Don once over the weekend and he promises to get photos put up someplace where we could both see them... hasn't happened yet; and,

7. Got to talk w/Zaph who is in Puerto Rico taking care of his dad and trying not to succumb to the overwhelming smell of rotting mangos. It was a good conversation.

Okay, going home now...I think.

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