Tuesday, Weekend recap // 2003-11-04 // 8:08 a.m.


Tuesday morning...office is weirdly quiet. Official start of day has not begun...still have fifteen minutes left to write a journal entry in. Have just finished catching up with Neil's journal. I wish I could be more supportive there...but there is only so much I can do from so far away...I believe that he will find his way, the best way possible...

Meanwhile, the firm is planning my "farewell" bash. Looks like my Legal Sea Food idea was replaced by TGIF to-go...oh well...lol...still, it's nice to know that they want to do something on Thursday for me.

This past weekend went okay. Hubby is experiencing his first "external ulcer in close proximity to his sphincter"... lol...yes, that's code...the word really begins with a "h" and ends with a "d" and if you can't figure it out by now...well...forget it. Anyhow, he's complaining about it, muchly. Like he's the first one in the family to ever experience such a thing. I'm trying very hard to be sympathetic, but I can't. I know what those feel like, and they're not THAT bad.

On Halloween evening, we went powerwalk trick-or-treating at one of the local malls. It was crowded and there were lots of other kids, but my son [decked out in his "dinosaur wizard" costume] did an admirable amount of candy collecting before getting all pooped out [he apparently refused to take a nap that day at daycare and was wired on sugar] and collapsed in front of the large tv in the Disney Store. We bought him a Stitch, muchly reduced in price, and we went home.

Greenmarket the next morning was everything that I remembered. Due to our schedule, I couldn't buy any perishable veggies so we just bought breakfast food and ate while the son went back and forth between the jungle gym thingie and his breakfast croissant of ham and cheese. After breakfast, we went to the Science Museum where we looked at the "dinosaurs larger than t-rex" exhibit. The boys put together a large wooden puzzle of an anklyosauraus' skeleton then another one on the flip side of the dinosaur's skin.

Okay, that's about it...nothing else to really report at this time. Besides, the boss just walked in. Peace...

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