Wed, 030604: Playin' in Catnip's Room // 2003-06-04 // 10:00 a.m.


Y Yesterday evening, hubby and son went to bed early...they said they were exhausted/, I went online under the old work account...and saw that Wraith was there, but not answering my messages, so I decided to see if the old room was there...and, it was! Hurrah! I popped in, and immediately ran into Wraith, codger that he is...and started scolding him for not answering my

I hung out in the room longer than anticipated, especially after Mistress Catnip showed up... had to finally get offline and do some chores...but I returned again, under a different screen name... and was greeted as �Amanda� yet�ll never escape that name, I fear... It was a lot of fun to see some of the �old crew� in the room...Shy and Kitty and Puppy... and interesting to see new people... and yet others who had pissed me off in an earlier life and were now trying to start over again... well, okay, just one person...

That's it for now...will try to write a decent entry during lunch...

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