Friday: Court Appearance // 2003-07-25 // 1:35 p.m.


So, just when I thought I would be able to spend my afternoon drowning in my own internal bog of despair, my boss walks up...and the conversation went something like this:

Boss: (as he's munching away at his raw veggies) "So, have you had lunch already?"

Me (with a suspicious look) "Nooooo..."

Boss: "Well, you're going to court with me at 2."

Me (with indignant and shocked look): "What?!" (biting tongue before the "the hell" part came out)

Boss: "Special set hearing, you have to testify."

Me: "You're kidding, right?"

Boss: "No, what are you wearing?"

Me (getting up, thanking the PTB that I'm wearing pants and a sweater blouse instead of another short "fuck-me-now" skirt): "clothes!"

After that, I went into his office where he told me what to expect and had me re-read the affidavit that I had signed two months ago about something that happened SIX months ago!

Thank goodness I brought a book to read today...I'm bringing that to court! I hope I can read it...

So, that's what I'll be doing this afternoon...sitting in court and trying not to fall asleep.

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