Tuesday: On Expectations... // 2003-07-29 // 11:59 a.m.


Expectations. We all have them. Whether they are large or small...they exist. They cannot be helped. In the beginning, I had unrealistic ones... mostly based in my own naive optimism and belief in what I assumed was the inherent �goodness� of my fellow man. Silly me. The expectation bar has moved several times since I�ve been online. It has been lowered constantly. To the point where it is almost non-existent.

And, yet, I still laugh when I realize that someone else has failed to meet my minimal expectations. When I catch myself actually believing that I�ve met someone who will be conscientious enough to not hurt me. Then, I realize that I�m the one allowing myself to be hurt...by actually believing that someone could genuinely like me as much as I like him. And, again, silly me.

Yes, this is basically a rant...or acknowledgment of my own ability to fall back into the same �hole�.... maybe it will be different now... because I am 'fessing up to my own apparent shortcoming in that area. One can hope, at least.

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