Tuesday: inevitable lists and hairshirts...lol // 2003-10-14 // 8:18 a.m.


Well, it's early...again...and I'd much rather type out an entry than write a check for a bill...no, wait, the check's already written...I just have to stuff the envelope...but, that's besides the point.

Just found out in the past 24 hours that Neil's gotten back together with Tracy. It's a good thing, I think... for the both of them... I hope. We'll see...I'm cautiously optimistic.

Meanwhile, heard from Ozzie again... something of substance. He seems to be spending all of his leave trying to fix problems within his family... or so I am surmising. He left me offline messages outlining what's going on with his family...and it doesn't sound too good. But, he did say that I couldn't give away his afghan as he plans to pick it up from me...lol... we'll see.

Haven't heard from Francois since last week. I think I've confused him with my "call me if you want to call me, no, wait, call me" message that I left last Thursday while he was (I assumed) at rugby practice. Still, like I said before, he's pretty far away and he leads a busy (single) life...and, he says he has a gf. Have gone passive with that one...as I think I have with all of them.

Jason asked me to call him yesterday, but he wasn't home when I called. I left two messages then decided to call it quits. Again, passive mode.

Oh, the two local guys who want to do a 3some have re-connected with me... or so they think. I'm NOT going down that road with them...I did have a decent conversation with "Steve" the guy I never did meet. But, he took it to mean that I wanted to meet him and then Dave IMed me and it got to be too much...so I'm trying not to use that account too much. It's not actually stalking...yet....

What other interesting news...Necro is coming up...a convention in Tampa that I always go to. I have made tentative plans to see my online buddy, Alex... I don't know how that will occur, as I'm having a hard time with getting the time off from work. As it is now, I will probably have to bus it over to Tampa after hubby has already left because I'm not going to be able to take that Friday off.

Oh, and I have talked w/my "entertainer" friend...but we still haven't made any definite plans to meet for lunch...since neither of us drives...lol...isn't that funny?

Okay, guess that's about it. Not going to wax philosophical or beat myself over the head about the things I do...not in the mood, and frankly, the hairshirt is itchy...

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